Dedykowane rozwiązania księgowe dla biznesu

About us

Trust and responsibility

M&P OFFICE is a place where we create accounting solutions for small and medium-sized enterprises. Assessing the needs of a particular business is the foundation of our work. We build cooperation based on partnership, trust and responsibility. We truly believe that such a model will enable long-term cooperation. We pay attention to effective communication and therefore we are able to notice current needs of our clients and react quickly.
Individual approach combined with understanding of business perspective, appropriate accounting analysis, up-to-date knowledge of laws and experience; all these factors enable us to support the financial goals of our clients.

Effective communication

Effective communication enabling to notice current needs of the client and quick reaction

Customised accounting

Customised accounting and personnel services


Partnership cooperation based on trust and responsibility

We get things done

Dedicated solution

We specialize in working with enterprises which seek individual and flexible approaches to accounting and human resources processes. We adjust the offer to particular needs of a business, reacting to the (dynamically) changing environment. We guarantee full involvement in implementing accounting services, both for newly established entities, existing companies and those in the process of change.
The main areas of our activity are connected with keeping the ledger, completing tax returns and payroll services. In addition, we prepare financial statements and reports, help with audits and controls and design additional solutions for companies.

We specialize in working with enterprises which seek individual and flexible approaches to accounting and human resources processes. We adjust the offer to particular needs of a business, reacting to the (dynamically) changing environment. We guarantee full involvement in implementing accounting services, both for newly established entities, existing companies and those in the process of change.
The main areas of our activity are connected with keeping the ledger, completing tax returns and payroll services. In addition, we prepare financial statements and reports, help with audits and controls and design additional solutions for companies. 

The board member and founder


Cooperation-oriented and values effective communication. She always aims at the most beneficial solutions having regard to quickly changing conditions on the market. She holds a degree in Finance and Accounting from the University of Szczecin. Additionally, she did postgraduate studies in the field of Human Resource Management in the Faculty of Management and Economics of Services at the University of Szczecin.

The founder has been working for over 12 years in the areas of finance, accountancy, payroll services and HR. Not only has she gained her experience in big, international corporations such as Deutsche Bank, Metro Services, Coloplast, but also in smaller companies like Eryk and Unikie. Agnieszka Mazurczak-Kubacka is a member of The Accountants Association in Poland and Polish Association HR Business Partner.

She is focused on constant development and expanding her knowledge. She has certificates issued by SKwP, MDDP Business Consulting, Hutchinson Institute and EY Academy of Business. Moreover, she took part in the international training Agility in HR earning a certificate ICP-AHR. Apart from experience strictly related to work in accountancy and HR departments, it’s crucial to name other serious projects: coordination of international transfer of accounting and HR services inside the organisation, keeping track of legal changes and implementing solutions which meet new requirements, designing and introducing HR processes, introducing new HR fields in the organisations (salary reviews, appraisal system and development plans), building and supervising HR team, designing HR strategies in relation to business and managing end-to-end recruitment processes. She communicates in English fluently.

The board member and founder, chief accountant

Pachocka- Świtała

What characterises her work is precision, responsibility and goal orientation. She is a graduate of the University of Szczecin and holds a degree in Finance and Accounting.

Aleksandra Pachocka-Świtała was building her experience moving up the career ladder in the accounting departments of the companies like Poncyliusz (consulting and accounting group), Radź and L.F.&B. Tax Advisory Group, being appointed the manager in one of the local accounting offices.

She has been a successful leader for many years, running accounting teams and sharing her knowledge and experience. Her main interest is the full accounting system of limited liability companies. She holds a certificate of the chief accountant issued by The Accountants Association in Poland, the number 28/C/G/2015/19. Being fully updated on all the legal changes she is able to apply the newest solutions in accounting.

Aleksandra Pachocka-Świtała aims at upgrading her skills constantly and that is why she participates in various training courses organised by SKwP and KIP. She is a supporter of effective solutions and meets the goals set by the business in terms of optimisation and putting forward appropriate solutions.

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Prowadzenie ksiąg rachunkowych

Prowadzenie księgi przychodów i rozchodów oraz ewidencji przychodów dla ryczałtu

Przygotowywanie sprawozdań finansowych, raportów

Obsługa audytów

Sporządzanie i składanie deklaracji podatkowych

Kadry i płace

© 2023